Edmonds Cooking

  • $3800

Revised Edition
69th Edition, 2016

Containing a collection of approximately 400 everyday recipes and cooking hints 

The Edmonds Cookery Book has been a constant, reliable companion in Kiwi kitchens for over 100 years. We've grown up with it, learned to cook with it and fed our families from it. We've taken it flatting, packed it for our OEs, moved into new homes with it, made notes in it and spilled things all over its pages. What we haven't done is outgrow it.

Every Edmonds recipe is special because each is a classic in its own way, perfected over time and passed on for another generation to enjoy all over again. The edition you're looking at right now includes more of the favourite recipes you've come to know and love. We've tested, tasted and tried them all again to make sure they are at their best. We've also done a little housekeeping, like adding descriptions and rewriting instructions, so they're easier to follow. We've brought back some gems that got lost along the way and replaced a few recipes that haven't kept pace with modern tastes. 

If any of your favourite recipes haven't made the book then don't panic. All the original Cookery Book recipes are available on the Edmonds website.
We're pleased to be able to share this new edition with you, and hope you have many joyful years of cooking together

The Edmond Story
And the man behind the collection of recipes that is still the biggest selling New Zealand book ever published? Thomas Edmonds, a Christchurch grocery store owner, began making his own baking powder out the back of his store in 1879. When questioned over the superiority of his product he responded.

"It is sure to rise, Madam"

And so the famous Edmonds promise was born. His confidence was well founded. Thomas 'Sure To Rise' baking powder was immediately popular, selling one million tins by 1912. Today the Edmonds range has grown to include yeast, flour, cake mixes, pastry, mayonnaise's and salad dressings.  The first edition of the Edmonds Cookery Book was introduced in 1908, as a thank you for the support his business has received from Kiwi households, a lovely gesture that has become a kiwi classic. Thank you, Thomas. 

Photography by Melanie Jenkins, Cover Illustration by Evan Purdie

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