Taku Puka Edmonds
I te āhua o ngā pikitia, me te takoto o te hātepe tohutohu, ka māmā noa tō ako ki te tunu i ēnei kai e hāngai pū ana ki Aotearoa.
Kia tū koe hei toa ki te tao panikeke, hei toki ki te tunu pōtaka tiakarete, hei rehe rānei ki te mahi pihapiha.
Mai i te kai ata, ki te purini, tae ana ki ngā kai me ngā timotimo katoa i waenganui, ka noho ko tēnei kohinga, kei koni atu i te 90 ōna tohutao, hei kaiwhakatō i te ngākaunui mauroa o te tangata ki te tunu me te tao kai.
Tirohia ngā tohutao hou me te rārangi kupu e reorua ana.
With an illustrated, step-by-step layout, you'll find it super easy to learn to cook these classic New Zealand recipes.
Become a champion-pikelet-maker, an expert-afghan-baker or an award-winning-pizza-creator.
From breakfast through to dessert and all the meals and snacks in between, this collection of over 90 recipes will be the beginning of a life-long love of baking and cooking.
Check out the new recipes and bilingual glossary.
Kia tū koe hei toa ki te tao panikeke, hei toki ki te tunu pōtaka tiakarete, hei rehe rānei ki te mahi pihapiha.
Mai i te kai ata, ki te purini, tae ana ki ngā kai me ngā timotimo katoa i waenganui, ka noho ko tēnei kohinga, kei koni atu i te 90 ōna tohutao, hei kaiwhakatō i te ngākaunui mauroa o te tangata ki te tunu me te tao kai.
Tirohia ngā tohutao hou me te rārangi kupu e reorua ana.
With an illustrated, step-by-step layout, you'll find it super easy to learn to cook these classic New Zealand recipes.
Become a champion-pikelet-maker, an expert-afghan-baker or an award-winning-pizza-creator.
From breakfast through to dessert and all the meals and snacks in between, this collection of over 90 recipes will be the beginning of a life-long love of baking and cooking.
Check out the new recipes and bilingual glossary.
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